Paying Attention Pays Off
I’ve written previously about the benefits of paying attention on this blog. I’m glad that I still practice what I preach. I believe it will help me prevent a bunny nest tragedy. Let me explain.
A little more than a week ago I noticed an Eastern Cottontail bunny in my back yard. She (as it turns out) was doing the usual munching away at whatever vegetation I have growing in my yard. She made her way around the yard. I didn’t pay her much mind. However, she then moved to a place in the far corner of my yard and seemed to plant herself. Because I’m not a rabbit, I had no idea what she found or why she stopped there. All I knew is she seemed unusually interested in that small patch of whatever.
What really got my attention was when she started making odd movements. She looked like a child trying to bury something with her paws. She would take a little bit of grass from here and a little more from there. It all seemed to be converging in front of her. I had never seen a rabbit do anything but eating and preening. This got my attention.
After a few minutes, she just hopped away and under the fence nearby. It really didn’t hit me then. I thought I’d just seen a bunny doing something I hadn’t before.
Closer Investigation
Later that day, while feeding the birdies I decided to walk over where I’d seen her. I looked over the ground and nothing really caught my attention. Until I saw an odd bare patch. Then I had to investigate.
Here’s what I saw:
Doesn’t really scream anything to you, does it?
That is until you look closer and see there’s actually a small hole that looks like it’s been filled in. Click on the image above and you’ll see what I mean. So that’s what all that mime-like activity was about-LOL!
The next thing I did was very carefully pulled back a little of the brush. What I saw was some very small babies wiggling around. I quickly replaced the vegetation and let it be.
I realized very quickly I had some learning to do if I wanted to prevent a bunny nest tragedy in my own yard. What follows are some easy to learn and implement tips to help you keep your bunnies and their babies safe.
Bunny Nest Tragedy Prevention Tips
- Before you start mowing your yard each year make sure to walk the lawn looking for any potential bunny nest locations. Look for browned out areas or small holes.
- If you find a nest in your yard DON’T PANIC! If you can look into it safely, see if there are babies in it now. Don’t be afraid to go deep into the hole.
- If babies are present, again, DON’T PANIC! As long as the babies look healthy all is well. If you see any that look injured, contact your nearest wildlife rehabilitator.
- Do NOT assume because you don’t see the mother that they bunnies are orphaned. Mother rabbits only come by once or twice a day (likely dusk and dawn) to feed and groom them. This is to not attract attention to her nest.
- Don’t call a wildlife removal service unless absolutely necessary. The wildlife rehabber should be able to walk you through any issues you might have.
- Mark the area in at least a 6 foot circle and do not mow any closer or over it.
- If you don’t already, start making a habit of just watching the nest around dusk and dawn. You should be able to get a glimpse of momma coming to nurse and tidy her babies up. Please, no flash photography!
- In two to three weeks, they should be gone from the nest and you can then start mowing it again.
Finding a Bunny Nest Video
Here’s a short video from the Clark County (Ohio) Parks District giving you some great advice should you find a nest in your yard.
Putting It All Together
I know the toughest part of preventing a bunny nest tragedy is patience. A lot of homeowners prize their lawns and couldn’t imagine living with an overgrown patch in them for any length of time. If you are one of these people, I would first say chill out! It’s only for two or three weeks at most.
The next thing I would say is all life on this planet has value. You will give these bunny babies the best chance at life if you can just let them be. Let nature run its course.
Have you found a bunny nest in your yard? What have you learned from it? Leave me a comment below so we can all benefit from your experience. Also, if you’ve enjoyed this article, please share using the buttons below on social media.
Helpful resource from which includes a downloadable infographic called ” I Found a Baby Rabbit.”
Julie says
We found a nest just a few days ago. Unfortunately, a Crow found the nest this morning. I hadn’t looked in the nest when I first discovered it so I don’t know how many babies were there before the Crow found it. There is only one there now but the Crow keeps coming back. The baby is a new born. How can I protect it from the darn crow without taking it away from his mother?
Jeff says
Hi Julie,
I feel your pain. Is the nest close enough that you can keep an eye on it until you can do something?
Here’s a great idea I saw googling. It is about protecting from a dog but the cover could be adapted to keep out a crow.
The important idea is ANYTHING you can put over it that allows the mother to come and go but is either a real task or impossible for a large crow to maneuver. Even if you just cover the nest to allow the mother to squeak by. I think the crow will be put off by it.Best would be so that the entrance faces you so you can see the crow contemplating what to do and chase them off.
If you can keep the crow away until tomorrow, you should contact your local wildlife rehabilitation office to see if they can take it and raise it.
Proud of you for caring enough to want to help them. Let me know if there’s anything I can do by responding here or using the contact form on the site.
Tracy says
We had a rabbit have babies in my back yard. We have DOGS!!! UUURRGGG. No dogs next door, no dogs behind us and we have a fence. I’m irritated because I cant let my dogs in the yard to play or potty for 3 WEEKS. Why oh why MY yard????
Jeff says
Hi Tracy,
I’m very proud of you for caring about the baby rabbits in your back yard. I see way too many stories about homeowners whose dog has brought them a dead baby rabbit. You need to pause and pat yourself on the back for paying attention and caring! Thank you from the bunny family.
Since I’ve missed having any rabbits in my back yard this year I guess I miss the inconvenience. We have a dog too and had to watch her out in our yard until they left the nest.
Why they picked your yard? Did you consider it was because they knew you would watch out for them? I know it sounds silly but consider this. Is it a stretch to think there is intelligence out there we don’t know about? For instance, how is a bluebird born knowing how to build a perfect nest?
The good news is they should be out of the nest in three weeks. After that I’m sure the mother will take them elsewhere to keep them safe. Just in case, keep an eye out for a while after you know they’ve left.
In the mean time, enjoy having bunnies in your back yard.
Deborah Kay Pancake says
I need to know if there is anything we can do to detour the rabbit from burrowing it’s nannies in our yard. Lol, we have fields it can use.
Jeff says
Hi Deborah,
Could you tell me a little more about what’s going on in your yard? Are you concerned for their safety or is there another reason you don’t want them there?
In my experience, they choose your yard because they feel safer than an open field from predators. Especially if you don’t use herbicides of any kind.
Samantha says
We found a baby bunny in our carport 5 days ago. We have cats outside so we brought him (I decided he was a boy, lol) inside so they would not get him. He was able to hop and had hair but his eyes were not open yet and about 5″ long. We do not have a wildlife rehabilitation center anywhere near us and the shelter said they could not help us so we have kept him. We gave him kitten milk for the first few days and have swapped to lettuce now. His eyes opened today so it is time for him to be released. We are going to take him to a patch of woods that is by our other house because there are not any cats in that neighborhood. My question is will instinct kick in and he will know what to do?I am concerned that we are going to release him and him not know what to do but I also know we can not keep him. I would love keep him but I do not believe in trying to make wild animals domesticated. I have built him a little shelter out of a plastic container until he is big enough to dig a tunnel that I have put a blanket, rabbit food and alfalfa hay in for now. What should I do to give him the best chance at life?
Jeff says
Hi Samantha,
Be proud of yourself for caring enough to write me. We all appreciate that!
It looks like you’ve done pretty well by them. Here is a short article that may help:
Even if you don’t have a rehab place close, you should be able to contact one from the wildlife rehabilitation network who can advise you what to do NOW.
Here’s another link to help with that:
I know usually you should try to find the nest in your yard and place it near it so the mother can find it. However, I understand your reluctance because of the cats. It’s also ideal if they’re not sighted and can be put back in the nest. Neither sounds good now.
Do let me know if I can help any more.
Nancy Ream says
Hi Jeff. We have a bunny nest with 4 babies. It’s in an area where I just cut down all the ground cover (pachysandra) because we are changing this over to sod. The landscaper is starting work this Wednesday, 5/5, so the doe has a few days to relocate her babies. I have the area fenced off from my dogs because they killed 3 bunnies in a different nest and site before I knew there were any bunnies and I don’t want that to happen. IF mom doe doesn’t move the babies I’ll put them in a box with bedding, etc the morning of the landscaping but my question is, where should I put the box that evening. I don’t want her to remake a nest in the sod, just move her babies. If the box is outside the fence, will she take the babies elsewhere? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for being a human being with a heart and concern for all living things. You should be very proud!
I’ve got ask if you’ve read the entire article, viewed the short video and downloaded the “I Found A Rabbit” guide? I think they will help put your mind at ease. Specifically, contacting a wildlife rehab location in your area and asking if they can help. I have a feeling that you will create a great deal of stress in the mother’s world if you just uproot them and stick them outside the fence. Plus, there’s a very good chance with all the commotion of sod laying going on they’ll just get crushed or predated.
Please contact any rehab facility near you and get their input. If you can’t get a local facility just pick another number. They should at least be able to help you decide what to do.This was research I did for a specific thing that happened to me. I do NOT claim to be an expert by any means.
Hope this helps. Please let me know what you decide to do.
Nancy Ream says
Thanks for your quick reply, I appreciate it. Ill check out any local rehabbers I can find and see what they say. I have a trail cam set up to see when mom might come back OR if the bunnies leave. They’re furry and eyes open so fingers xd they leave on their own! Btw the trail cam was to see what our cats were up to at night..inside the house cuz they are not let outside. Lol.
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
Congrats for keeping your cats indoors! Most people have no idea what a miserable life it is for an “outdoor cat” which is itself an oxymoron-LOL! Cats are domestic animals and have been for a VERY LONG time.
Please let me know what the rehab people advise. In any case, I hope that the bunnies are old enough to leave the nest very soon or that the rehab place can help.
Keep me posted, please.
Nancy says
Will do. ?
Nancy says
Lol. I posted a pic of a rabbit, it came up a question mark!
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
Could you email it to me?
Nancy says
Hi Jeff, well decided not to look for a rehabber. Instead I cancelled the landscaper for this week. Explained to him the situation and just didn’t want to put stress on the bunnies….or on me worrying about them! I THINK the bunnies might be gone in a week as they’re all furry and eyes somewhat open, but we’ll see what happens. I still have the camera set up so I’ll get the sd card tomorrow and try to send a pic. Thanks much for all your support.
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
I’m biting my tongue because that was the FIRST thing I wanted to but didn’t ask you to do. Namely, rescheduling. It’s because any home work of any kind in Nashville is impossible to get and I didn’t know what your situation was that way.
I’m so proud of you for putting them first! I know the bunnies will breathe easier when they’re able to leave the nest and just follow mom around. Check that. Mom’s discourage following because of the increased risk to all. There should be an award for this! I’ll have to think one up and get back to you.
Do keep me posted on how the babies progress and I look forward to seeing your pic. Remember, help at
Nancy says
Lol. Scheduling is also at a premium up here…but it is what it is. We are all a out animals, been vegan since 1991, etc. we’ll get the yard done eventually. Ill try to send that pic later. Thanks much. ?
Nancy says
Hi Jeff,
I tried to send you a picture but doubtful it will be successful. Anyhow it was from last night of the doe inside the fenced area. It seems that the bunnies are gone but the camera didn’t pick up their movement. It also takes video but only in 10-second increments with a minute delay in between (it’s not an expensive camera), so they could have bolted and not been caught on film. And of course, this happened the day of cancelling the landscaper! Too funny. I’m going to put some chicken wire on that area to prevent any further digging until the yard can be completed AND also keep an eye out for activity. Thanks much for all your help. You have a great page and resource for the community.
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
So glad it all worked out for everyone! You’ve got a great outlook on the whole thing which is exactly why it turned out so well.
Love to see the pic still. I can send you a google link if you need it to upload to.
Thank you for your kind words and being an example for the rest of man (and woman) kind!
BTW, not long after we started this thread I noticed a bunny acting funny on the same part of our lawn a few days in a row. You guessed it….I have bunnies! I’ve already roped it off and talked to our lawn crew. Can’t tell for sure but they must have at least a week. Excited!
Nancy says
We could try the google link. I tried sending to a couple different iterations of your page, but no luck. The camera is still outside, thought I’d see if mom came back at all, so I could try sending tomorrow.
Congratulations on your new yard residents. A bunny’s gonna do what a bunny’s gonna do! Lol. At least she chose a safe spot.
Nancy says
Hi Jeff, me again. I’m able to pull up the photo from before on my ipad so if you wanted to send that link I’ll give it a shot.
Michelle says
Have two rabbits nest in my yard, a crow just found one nest and took a baby before I could scare him away. Is there ANYTHING I can do to keep the others safe.
Jeff says
Hi Michelle,
Hope this isn’t too late. I would contact your local wildlife rehab staff and ask for their suggestions. I found this article that talks about ways to keep a dog out of the nest. I thought it was equally good for the crows if the exit/entrance is small enough that they can’t fit into it but the mom and kids can. I know crows are wary of anything enclosed too.
Please keep me updated.
Elizabeth says
We learned we had a nest when a crow landed in our yard and our kids noticed mama bunny come out from under our deck and scare it off. Then we went looking for the nest and found it. We used some garden sticks and weed barrier fabric to build a little shelter around it with a hole cut near the bottom for mama to get in and out of. The we set up one of our security cameras to watch so we could make sure she got in OK but also to see what developments came about over the next few weeks. We have a fence but deer, feral cats, birds and squirrels often wander back there but the bunnies stayed safe and we check on mama every day (she would hide under our deck during the day). Once we knew the babies started to wander out of the nest, around a week later, we stopped letting the dog back there. It took about 3.5 weeks but they are gone and we can start to patch the spot.
We learned a lot from the web.
-Mama will never be far away so not to attract predators
-babies might leave the nest during the day but will typically come back and wait to be fed at night
-Mama’s prefer yards with dogs because they believe that’s a better protected yard
-baby bunnies are good at hide and seek, they couldn’t find their way back to the nest and we found them in our gutter, hiding in hosta plants and between the house and AC unit
-last, bunnies can procreate very soon after birth. We believe one of the babies may have made a nest in the yard across the street because we have seen a young bunny in our yard lately at dusk
It was a great experience for us and for our young kids.
Jeff says
Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you so much for sharing your bunny baby story! And they thank you for doing your research and giving them the best chance at life.
The lessons you’ve learned will stay with you and your children forever. Caring enough to do it right CAN make the difference between success and failure. I’ve heard so many people say “They’ve done it fine without us. They’ll be fine.” This does not take into account the effect human construction and property lines have in the equation. You’ve found the perfect marriage of letting them learn and helping them to navigate your creations!
I just recently had a nest leave successfully. I have a wooden fenced yard and I know the moms love the privacy and security of it.
I will say from what I’ve read the bunnies need to be at least 12 weeks old before having young of their own. I believe you have another bunny mom who thinks your back yard is great!
Keep us posted,
Samantha says
hey Jeff!
You’ve been so responsive to the others on this thread I thought I could ask you for some advice. Unfortunately I was not aware that I had a bunny nest with babies in my backyard and the worst possible thing that could have happened, happened. I mowed my lawn and unfortunately one of the bunnies didnt survive. There was one more in the nest when I quickly noticed that I didnt just mow over a patch of dead grass, and that one quickly hopped out and ran away.
Honestly speaking, my heart hurts that I disturbed these innocent creatures. Later on at night the mother came and was simply waiting by the nest and from what I assume, looking for her young. I feel absolutely terrible. Is there anything I can do now?
Jeff says
Hi Samantha,
I truly feel your sadness! Remember that what makes mother bunnies so good as protecting her babies is what creates the danger: they are often too well concealed. You may have walked every inch of your yard before mowing and not noticed the nest. It can look like cast off mowings and nothing more. I know you’re keener now as to what to look for but it is tough to just see at first glance. Don’t beat yourself up about that.
If the babies were far enough along, they may wander about the area and be reunited but it’s an iffy proposition. Have you walked the area outside your property looking for it?
If you have a wildlife rehab in your area, you may want to ask them for any additional tips they may have to reunite them.
Sorry I can’t be more help.
Please let us know how this turns out, will you?
Vicki Powell says
We had a rabbit build her nest in our flower pot on the deck. We’ve been monitoring it for 2 weeks now, put an umbrella over it for rainy days and shade in the heat of the day. This morning I checked and they were quite big, and uncovered looking up at me (there are 2). And later this afternoon when I went out on the deck I must have spooked the already free babies and they scattered to parts unknown. The mother isn’t around and I’m worried she won’t find them when she comes back. Are they old enough at 2 weeks to be out on their own? Will momma rabbit find them to continue feeding? I’m feeling distraught.
Jeff says
Hi Vicki,
At two weeks, they should be plenty old enough to roam and mom WILL find them! She almost certainly has already.
Remember, she has made being scarce into an art form to protect her family. They’ll probably be coming back together to feed in your yard so be ready.
Do keep me updated and I’d love to see any pics if you have them, ok?
Tracy says
Hi Jeff!
I literally have to write my work day (remote) off as vacation because I watched completely intrigued as the bunny that frequents my backyard dug a nest and then spent another hour or so collecting grass, etc, and depositing it into the hole. Fun part . . . I’m guessing the rabbit’s instinct to build and prepare is super strong at this particular juncture because my DOG was out there almost the whole time and the rabbit only darted away a few times (but appeared reluctant to leave our yard).
Granted, we call this rabbit “Wilson’s bunny” because our dog (Wilson) will “inactively” stalk the rabbit, daily, for hoursssss, and only chases the rabbit after it has already gone through one of its escape routes. AND our guy is 60% beagle haha. Today “his” bunny was working so diligently, she tolerated him (lying still, stalking) at a distance of less than two feet, briefly. I had to video it because it was insane.
Anyway, I actually did want to ask a question … I brought my dog in for as long as I could, hoping to give bunny a chance to keep working in peace. But, I also put an old wire shelf over her nest with rabbit-sized ingress/egress on all sides hoping to keep my dog away and help protect from the hawks that fly around.
It’s been about an hour since I put it out there (immediately after she left yard the last time) and have been checking from inside the house (dog is in too) to make sure she’ll complete her build there since it’s taken all day so far. Ok idea? Or should I remove it unless/until I know she’s given birth?
Thanks for your thoughts!
Jeff says
Hi Tracy,
The first thing that strikes me is I’m concerned that she shouldn’t feel free to make a nest there if there is ANY chance your dog is going to dig it up.
Last year, we had a bunny spend the same seven solid hours building a nest and then not put anything in it. We don’t know if she met up with a feral cat in the neighborhood or changed her mind. She never came back after completing the nest.
Protecting the nest from hawks and such is a great idea as long as you are SURE your dog won’t disturb it. If you have any doubt, leave your dog out as you normally do and let the bunny decide if it’s safe.
Let me know if you have any more questions. It’s why I’m here.
Tracy says
Thanks Jeff!
I don’t know if she is using the nest or not …. I’ve been anxious to check it, but I usually just take a peek at it during the day to see if it’s been disturbed. Appears to be packed pretty tightly, and I’m fairly certain she spends most of her time under our deck which is only a few yards away. I ended up taking the “protective” implement off the same day I put it up because I was afraid it might cause her to abandon her hard work 🙂 We’ve spotted her in the yard a few times since then.
My dog wanted to sniff around the nest the first couple days after she built it, but he’s been good about obeying my command to leave it. I’m confident he won’t dig it up as I’ve been staying out with him (weather’s getting nicer here) and, call me crazy, but he seems to sense that I’ve been “protective” of his bunny by making him go inside if I see her outside the gate looking to get into our yard.
Have to admit I’m a little embarrassed by how fascinated I am watching this all play out. I’m struck by how my dog is so fascinated by her and content to mostly just watch her (we’re talking HOURS at a time over the last many months), and how tolerant of him she is. When he doesn’t see her in the yard, he will go lay down by our gate and watch for her down our drive and in the neighbor’s foliage.
At any rate, we’re trying to be good stewards and I’ll definitely keep a protective eye on the nest for at least a couple more weeks.
Thanks again! Good stuff!
Jeff says
Hi Tracy,
This is ALL cool stuff! Animals know so much more than humans give them credit for. He knows you’re helping this rabbit and doesn’t seem to see it as an invader which is great!
I don’t want you to be upset if she starts making herself scarce. It is instinctive, protective behavior to NOT be seen coming and going. This means she may resort to only tending to the nest at night. Fear not, she knows what she’s doing.
No need to be embarrassed! More people should delight as you have watching another species’ intelligence play out. The fact that an animal is born with the knowledge of nest-building should blow your mind by itself!
You’re doing a great job of stewardship and you should pat yourself on the back and your dog on the head for it!
Unless you think it might stir your dog’s senses too much, I’d love for you to peel back the nest and see if there’s anything in there yet. That gives you a better idea of where we’re at in this process.
Nancy says
Hi Jeff,
We had a momma build a nest in our back yard. Our neighborhood has a hawk. Last year I was able to save a bunny from him but not both.
We have put some palm leaves over the nest and have seen the mom still go to the nest. Any suggestions for helping protect or deter the hawks? I try to watch the nest all day and go outside when I hear the hawk around squaking.
And help would be great. I stress all day about this…
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
First of all, momma bunny probably picked your yard because you take the time to care. Good on you!
Other than the suggestions in the article itself, I’d just remind you that both the hawk and the bunny are a LOT smarter than we are for finding and hiding. If you’ve covered it more and she’ll still use it that’s about the best you can do other than hiring a bunny protection officer-LOL!
I don’t mean to make light of it either. Just having lost my first eye-level cardinal nest in 19 years to a snake, I realize there is just so much you can do. Remember that spending too much time back there could scare momma bunny too. She’s usually very careful to come and go when she thinks it’s safe.
Hope this helps in some way. Please let us know how this goes.
Joanna says
Hi Jeff,
We have a bunny who has put a nest and babies in a large perennial flower near our front door. We have lots of large Ravens, owls, etc. in our neighborhood, is their anything we could do to help protect the babies? She does have them covered with the flowers but they are starting to move more…. And once they are old enough to come out on their own, is their anything we can do to protect them since they are still so small? I’m afraid they will just get taken by the the birds ? or a cat before their little lives even really start. ?
Jeff says
Hi Joanna,
First of all, good on you for being so present and mindful to even notice the bunny family! We need more like you!
I’m sorry to say that momma bunny has deemed that location safe and she’ll take the necessary care to keep her babies safe. Anything you might do to the nest will only possibly scare her or draw predatory attention to it. This is just one of those times we have to let nature work out the details.
Please let us know how this goes, will you?
Joanna says
Thank you for answering. I was afraid that might be the case. We are hoping for the best and will let you know.
Jeff says
Thanks, Joanna!
Amy Francis says
Hello Jeff. I am sharing an unfortunate tragedy that occurred this evening with a bunny nest. A rabbit made a nest right in the middle of our yard. My family tried to be on alert with our dog. We even placed our dog’s crate over the area to prevent the dog from getting them. However, our dog got two of the babies. We were all very sad about this. I know most dogs have a strong prey drive. There are still two babies left but they hopped off for now. Would you recommend tethering our dog away from the burrow for a week or so? I would hate for him to get anymore sweet bunnies. Thank you.
Jeff says
Hi Amy,
Although I’m pretty sure you’ve answered your own question, YES! Absolutely make sure he can’t get to that nest for at least another week! Mom, should still be coming back to the nest and may even lead them back to it. Remember that she tries to do this when you aren’t able to see. Like late at night or very early morning so don’t be quick to think it’s abandoned.
In a week, I would check the nest and see if there’s anything in it. If you have woods behind or very near you I’m sure that’s where they’ll be.
Just keep a close eye on the back yard because they are still very vulnerable while they’re in your yard.
Let me know if you have any other questions and try to focus on the survivors.
Julie Summers says
Hi Jeff we recently disturbed and asked so we recovered it using all the tips from the wildlife rehabilitator – i did the TicTacToe thing and we know the mother is coming back 🙂 I also put a bunch of weeds as sort of a canopy over it to protect it from the sun. A little concerned because it’s getting hotter here now 75° they are in part shade but still get some of the sun. In addition it’s going to rain in a couple days and then wondering how they do with rain? should be light rain but should I be doing anything else? An umbrella for the sun and the rain? Or should I trust that the mother set it up for herself correctly?
Jeff says
Hi Julie,
First of all, thank you from the bunny family (momma texted me) for caring and looking out for them! You should be proud and pat yourself on the back if nobody else has!
Secondly, trust that momma knows what she’s doing. No further action on your part is necessary or needed.
Please let us know as soon as you see them out and about in your yard. Remember that momma will only come to the nest when she doesn’t think anybody’s watching: late night, early, early morning.
Keep us in the loop and I’m so glad you were able to get a rehab person in on this! Personnel shortages are rampant in every line of work right now as we climb out of the pandemic.
Kimberly Padilla says
We have a nest in our front yard. The babies are only 9 days old. It is only about 6 feet from the sidewalk and nothing around it. I stopped watering w my sprinkler so it didn’t drown them. We gad mowed the lawn short the day before getting ready to overseed it. I set grass thatch around the nest which she did use next day to cover. It is supposed to get to about 98 degrees today with no shade. Does the nest protect them from heat? I do not want to call attention to the nest by setting anything over it since it is so close to the sidewalk. Also concerned about when they start exploring out of the nest. When I startled her the day she gave birth she hopped across the street into the woods so they will have a street to cross. Any and all help is appreciated. I contacted a squirrel rescue by me that also takes rabbits for advice but haven’t heard back from them.
Jeff says
Hi Kimberly,
It sounds to me that you’ve done the best for them: called for expert help while not drawing attention to (or drowning-LOL!) them. They should stay plenty cool in the den mom has dug so that shouldn’t be a problem. Remember that animals have a LOT of intelligence we don’t give them credit for. She put her nest their for a reason. The other thing you can do if you have animals is make sure they can’t get to it.
I’d love to hear what the squirrel rescue people have to say but you really should be fine with what you’ve already done.
Keep us in the loop, ok?
Colleen says
Hey there. I love that you offer support for those of us struggling to protect the wildlife. I’m dog found a nest today in the fenced backyard. I have no idea how long it’s been there but a quick peek showed some wiggly furry baby bunnies. I covered it back up and bought a little wooden garden fence and put it in a circle around the nest to keep the dog out of it. It’s about 2 1/2 feet tall and has gaps big enough in between each picket for mom to get through. My concern is that mom may find it off putting and not want to go into the area. I think tomorrow I’ll make a wider circle, I was trying to get it done before the sun went down and wanted to keep the circle somewhat smaller so the dog wouldn’t think he could jump into the middle. Any suggestions?
Jeff says
Hi Colleen,
You should be able to tell if she’s put off by the fence fairly quickly. My thought is she won’t be. Watch the area but particularly early AM and late afternoon. You should be able to see her coming and going. If you see her avoiding it for ANY reason, could you just take your dog out on a leash for a little while and take down the fence around it until they leave the nest? It shouldn’t be even two weeks until they’re out of it.
I hope this helps and let me know if you have any more questions. I’m happy you stopped by and happy to help!
You should be proud of yourself for caring this much, by the way!
Bethanie says
My son found a bunny nest in the yard after accidentally running over it. He was worried about the bunnies due to seeing red clay dirt and grabbed a pair of gloves to pick the one on top up and check him out. He was good so my son placed him back in the burrow and covered them (2) back up. Will the mom come back to them? I’m worried! Also it’s raining here! Will they drown?
Jeff says
Hi Bethanie,
As long as he got them back in the nest they should be fine. Make sure not to disturb it again if at all possible.Remember that mom comes and goes when she doesn’t have any audience (night, very early morning). Let me know if you have any more questions.
Danielle says
Pretty big downpours for the next few days
I placed a chair with an umbrella to keep them dry. Is this ok? Will the mom not come back due to this?
Jeff says
Hi Danielle,
The best advice is to keep an eye on it. Generally, it’s best NOT to add human elements to the equation. As long as you can see mom coming and going you should be fine. Remember she tries to be sneaky (early morning, late afternoon or night) so as not to attract attention. You want to make sure you are not drawing undue attention to their nest as well.
Let me know what you see in the next couple of days. Remember that we humans tend to think animals are just impulse-driven machines but they really DO have brains. Sometimes far more developed than humans!
Emily says
Hi Jeff! I just wanted to thank you for the wealth of information you’ve shared. I was out assisting the Easter Bunny yesterday and my dog found a nest. REAL Easter Bunnies! He brought me one of them but didn’t harm any of them. I immediately put him up and returned the kit, packed it back, and covered it.
Much to Bear’s disappointment, I left him inside when I went out to feed the large animals (a chore he enjoys supervising with his brother). Brother didn’t find or even go near the nest as it’s in our large front yard and we stay in the pastures for this activity. I’ll keep Bear in the fenced portion of the backyard until the nest is abandoned and am looking for supplies to build a cover like the one from the link you shared.
I had been worried the nest was abandoned or that Bear had scared Mama off but I’m pleased to know her absence is normal. I went to check on it later and they were packed DEEP and the nest was tightly covered so I do think she’s tending it.
Thanks again for all the info!
Jeff says
Hi Emily,
So glad I was able to help! You’ve done the right thing to separate Bear from the front yard, where you found them. The same goes for Brother, who would eventually have made the same discovery with possibly more dire outcome.
You’ve also done well to return the bunny to its nest. Momma bunnies make a science out of not attracting attention to their nests! This includes infrequent visits and dawn and dusk schedules to make sure their babies are set for the day and night as they approach.
Do keep us informed of their progress and try real hard not to visit too often-LOL! Believe me, I know how hard that can be.
Kelley Saunders says
Hello – I’m from Texas and we have a rabbit in our front entrance that built her nest in a planter box approximately 36″ off the ground. I was getting ready to clear out the old mulch, add soil and plant flowers when I noticed some bunny fur in the dirt and realized I was uncovering a nest. I put it all back in place and we have seen the mother tending to her bunnies over the past few days. I’d say they are probably a week old maybe? My concern is that she has built the nest too high off the ground and I don’t know that the babies would be able to forage on the ground and get back into the nest at night….once they are at that point. Should I just leave it as is and let them figure it out? Last year, unknown to us at the time, a bunny built her nest in one of our pots and a snake ate all of the babies….I saw him coiled up on the pot and realized that he must have eaten bunnies because there was fur left in the flower pot when he slithered off…I’m thinking this is probably the same rabbit and she just decided to plant a little higher this time…maybe?
Jeff says
Hi Kelley,
I think this is the first time I’ve heard of them nesting ABOVE ground! I hate to say it but you should really just leave it be. Trust that the mom knows what she’s doing. I believe the babies stay in and are fed until they are ready to leave and then don’t return.
Keeping a close eye out for snakes and getting some Snake B Gone (Ortho: safe for plants and animals) to discourage them from getting in/up there in the first place.
Please let us know how this goes, will you? Again, breathe and know mom knows what she’s doing.
Heather says
We have quite the dilemma. We live in a semi rural neighborhood, surrounded by all rural land . So naturally, we have rabbits, and some that have burrowed under our very thick slab front porch. We’ve tried to cover the burrow holes up, but they dig them out. We would like to put a stop to this out of fear of the burrows doing any foundation harm. Not to mention we worry about it attracting snakes. We don’t want to hurt the rabbits or relocate them – I’ve heard about poor survival rates with relocating. What do you suggest we do? Is there a specific expert we can contact to capture any rabbits and any babies and temporarily hold them to have it professionally filled in? Is there a time of year that’s better to do this? I came here bc I get mixed stories all over google. Ideally I’d love to capture them in between litters.
Jeff says
Hi Heather,
I totally understand your concerns and am happy to help. The best advice I can give is to contact your local wildlife rehabilitator and ask them for help and guidance. They’ll know what to do!
Here’s a quick reference that should help. If your state is missing from this list I would just Google “wildlife rehabilitation” and that should give you a local result.
How To Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator
Let us know how this goes, will you?
Kristen says
Hi Jeff, We found a bunny nest close to our patio and cordoned off the area so they would be safe. The momma comes every night to check on the babies. But as of Friday something has been killing the bunnies one by one for the last few nights. Their heads are gone but it leaves the bodies. This is distressing! We put a laundry basket with a small hole on top of the nest but that hasn’t worked either. I don’t think the hole we cut was too large. I don’t know how to prevent any more bunnies from dying. Any advice?
Jeff says
Hi Kristen,
I totally sympathize with you here! Are you saying the laundry basket is still in place but the babies are being decapitated anyway? The research I just did says raccoons will take the head only if that’s all they can get out of the nest.
Is there any way you can contact and get the other babies to a wildlife rehabilitator?
I just don’t what else you can do if we’re not sure what’s getting them. The wildlife person would at least be able to give you a plan if they can’t take them.
They’re your best resource.
Kristen says
Jeff, Thank you for your reply! My husband and I thoroughly checked the nest and there are no more babies left. We are so sad. I don’t know what got to them. Next time we will take action earlier with the basket. We put a camera out to see if anything comes back.
Take care,
Jeff says
Hi Kristen,
So sorry to hear that! I know it’s hard to know what to do when you don’t know what’s doing the killing.
I would still contact your local wildlife people to ask them what they think happened and what you can do to prevent it happening again. I’m hoping it won’t but it always helps to be informed.
And don’t worry about any judgment. You’ve gone above and beyond already just caring enough to take action. Don’t forget that!
Kristen says
Jeff, we caught it on camera. It must be a neighbors cat. A big fat orange cat. It looks well fed so it must have been just its hunting instinct. Sad. Just wanted to let you know. Thank you for the help!
Jeff says
Hi Kristen,
That’s horrible! If people knew how much it negatively affects domestic animals to allow them to roam free they wouldn’t do it. Still, it surprises me because I thought the cat would take the bunny and put it on your neighbor’s doorstep and not just kill them.
You might consider some cat repellent that’s safe for bunnies. Keeping them out of your yard would be a great first step and bunnies WILL reuse dens.
Hoping this is the last time you’ll have to go through this.
Cathy says
Hello. I am very stressed over helping a baby sparrow today from being tangled by its foot on yarn mixed in its nest. It was literally hanging out of the hole in nest box struggling. I got a ladder and gently held bird. Opened door to see what’s caught. I don’t remember how I got it loose from box but after I held it and worked quite awhile snipping off the yarn that was really wound around it’s ankle area near foot. It was very slightly bleeding from struggling after hanging from its box but not bad. Also I guess pooped several greenish colored spots on my paper towel I was holding it with. I kept checking its breathing. It had slowed down to a gentle breathing while I was working on foot After I finished I put it in ground it fluttered pretty fast. Then I went to see if still there just about 10 minutes ir so later and couldn’t see it anywhere. Also while I was helping it it never made a sound. Do you think it will survive. I don’t know if its leg was broken or not. I was only concerned to free it from the yarn or string. Can a baby fledgling sparrow live if leg injured. I? It had to have been trying to leave nest but why didn’t it fly away after I took stuff off its leg? Oh I’ can’t quit thinking about it. Now my next question is. I watched a rabbit actually out nest in last night. I checked today and marked it with a little caution flag like gas companies use. Will she be afraid of this yellow yard flag? Thank you so much
Jeff says
Hi Cathy,
You’ve done a great thing to help the sparrow. Unfortunately, just the way they build nests can increase the chance of them becoming tangled. It is a great sign that it was gone when you returned. I’m sure mom is taking care of it now.
Your bunny mom won’t pay any attention to your flag. The most important thing you can do is make sure there are no animals who will take an interest in the nest.
I hope this info helps. Feel free to respond if you need any further advice. Keep in mind that I am NOT a trained wildlife rehabilitator or ornithologist. Your local rehab office can give you even more suggestions and advice if you need it.
Jocelyn says
We have been watching a rabbit making a hole in our yard – we’ve been keeping an eye on it because we think there are babies. Today I witnessed 2 crows fly into a nearby tree eyeing the momma — Will an owl decoy or scarecrow keep the crows away? I was also thinking of putting a chair over the nest for protection. What do you think?
Jeff says
Hi Jocelyn,
Glad to hear you’ve got bunnies but sorry the crows have taken an interest in them. I have no direct experience with scarecrows or owl decoys. If you can shield the nest with something crows can’t get past but mom can come and go through that would be great. But what that is I don’t know. Is the nest close enough to your house that you could keep an eye on it? Here are some suggestions I found.
Hope this helps. Keep us posted!
Matt says
Hey Jeff,
You seem to be the bunny expert.
I just saw a bunny nursing two babies under my AC unit. The AC unit is above ground, attached to my house.
It doesn’t look like there’s a nest at first glance. It almost just looks like she has them in the small dead patch of grass. I noticed it as I was firing up my grill that’s in the area.
Any advice to make sure these bunnies survive?
Jeff says
Hi Matt,
I am by no means a bunny expert but I appreciate your kind words!
If you haven’t already, look closer at that dead patch of grass. It’s probably covering the nest. It sounds like she’s doing everything she can to protect them. Remember she purposely makes herself scarce during the days so as not to attract predators.
Let me know what you find and feel good about caring for them!
Emily says
Hi – Thanks for all the help you provide folks. I discovered a dead baby bunny in my yard. I think my neighbor’s cat got it. I found the nest in a well hidden hole under my tree with 3 live babies in it.
I read the Texas Homesteader article and placed a slatted wooden box over the nest and removed the bottom 2 slats so a bunny can get in but not a cat. I weighted it down with rocks.
I go out of town tomorrow. A wildlife rehab person told me the box will scare away the mother. Should I leave the box and protect the bunnies but maybe scare away the mom, or remove the box and figure the cat will probably be back??
Jeff says
Hi Emily,
I know these situations can be trying on your nerves!
I would contact that rehabber again and ask her what THEY recommend you do. All I can say is if you leave the nest WITHOUT a box the cat MAY get them. But if you scare mom away they will definitely die!
I only have my experience to rely on and make no claims to expertise in this field.
Have you seen the mom early or late since placing the box? Have you been able to see the babies and whether or not they are plump and fed? Have you tried the criss-cross twigs over the nest to be sure mom’s coming and going?
Let me know what the wildlife person says, please?
Emily says
Thanks for your reply. I talked to 3 local wildlife people. 2 said the box would scare the mother away and 1 said to try the box! Since I am going out of town tomorrow I hate to leave the box up and scare mom away, so I am going to just leave them alone.
I am going to put one of my security cameras on the area . All the commotion may scare the mom away anyway.
When I get back I can try the box and observe if the mother is able to go into the box. Will repost if I learn anything!
Jeff says
Thanks, Emily and your bunnies thank you too!
Julie says
How do I help the baby escape this 18 inch , large flower pot?
Jeff says
Hi Julie,
Could you give me a little more info? Are you saying the mother made a nest in this flower pot?
Julie says
Yes, the mother made a nest in a flower pot and the flower pot sits on a single step. According to my research , the bunny babies should mature close to July 8th or sooner. Can the babies survive being at that height from ground level?
Jeff says
Hi Julie,
I’d feel a lot better about that first exit from the nest if it wasn’t that high up and on steps. I’m assuming this 18 inch pot is pretty heavy. Is there any way you could safely move it just a bit onto ground level?
If not, just trust that momma knows what she’s doing. It still seems like an odd place for a bunny to make a nest.
Lindsey says
We have a bunny nest in a large barrel planter. I saw one dead bunny in there today and all others a spread out tonight but it’s also 92° out today so I think the heat is getting to them. Do I remove the dead baby? Also we have thunderstorms coming tonight I’m worried they will drown. Thought about putting a wheel barrow over the planter so the mom could get back on but it would protect from the rain. Thoughts on either of these things?
Jeff says
Hi Lindsey,
This year has been a strange one for bunny nests! I’ve never had a bunny make a nest anywhere but underground where the rainwater will naturally drain through. If you’re 100% sure it’s dead, I would remove it. How old are they? Days? More than a week? As long as you won’t spook her, covering it may be a good idea. I’ll admit I’m out of my depth here though. I haven’t heard back from anybody else who had a nest in a planter or other structure who has tried to cover it up. Keeping the babies from drowning seems like the best plan right now if the planter bottoms don’t drain well as they are.
Let me know if you have any more questions and I wish you the best of luck!
Rebecca says
Hi Jeff,
Last night, I discovered a bunny nest in my yard when I went outside to lock my chickens in their coop for the night. I took my dog out with me since it was very dark out and he needed a potty break, too. My dog saw an animal and chased it out of the yard; I could not see what it was because it was after nightfall and I just had my phone flashlight on, but I know now that it was most likely the mother bunny.
After my dog came back, I busied myself with checking on my hens and locking the coop up but then I heard a terrible squeaking sound and realized my dog had something in his mouth. My worst nightmare–two tiny baby bunnies. He dropped them right away, but they were too injured to survive. He found the nest next to the chicken coop after he chased the mother away, but it was so dark and not visible to me at all while I was out there.
I felt (and feel) absolutely awful; I put my dog inside and went to look at the nest with my flashlight. There were still at three or four bunnies buried deep at the back of a nest, all moving around and healthy. I covered them back up with grass and went inside for the night.
I went back out there this morning to bury the poor dead ones; it was much too dark to see to bury them last night, especially with just using a flashlight. Plus, I was really shaken up after the whole ordeal. When I went to bury them and check on the nest, the bunnies were all gone (the dead two and also the alive ones that were huddled in the nest). I didn’t see any signs or leave-behinds from predators. Do you think there is any chance the mother moved them after the ordeal last night? Have you ever known that to happen? I know a predator probably got them, but I want to hope that the mother moved them…
Thank you,
Jeff says
Hi Rebecca,
So sorry you’ve had to go through this for all concerned! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your story.
The truth is that mother bunnies actually choose yards with dogs a lot because they know they’ll keep predators away. Unfortunately, dogs are also predators.
I’m sorry to say the chance that the momma moved them is practically zilch. I know it’s hard to hear but they are incapable of picking them up and moving them. They can nudge them in the nest for feeding time or to push them further into the nest but that’s about it.
The fact that you keep chickens means there is a HUGE predator attractant at work. If you didn’t have a dog you might find that you were losing hens here and there. Hungry animals can become VERY brazen!
As hard as it is to say, I think they’ve all been taken. Since the mother was probably not with them when it happened she may still be alive. Can’t imagine she would try to nest in your yard again but I’m not a rabbit either.
Sarah Morrison says
Ah! I’m so glad I found this page. My lawn mowers found a nest this past Saturday (8/26) so they were able to set up a little tent with random bark in my yard to keep them safe. I have 2 very curious dogs so I have set up a little safety camp around the nest by using my fire pit top and some wood and cinder blocks so theres room for mama to get in and out, but not enough room for dogs. Before bed I take the top off, set a note on my back door to not let the dogs run free outside, to ensure Mama can come at dusk and dawn. (I have looked out my window at dusk and have seen her near the nest grooming herself so I know shes been doing her business). So as far as newborns go, they’re safe. BUUUUT the info I haven’t been able to find is what to do as the babies get older, as I doubt they’re gonna stay put in their nest once they can move around and have their eyes open. I have thought of getting some chicken wire and some posts and was going to make a make-shift enclosure around them to protect them from the dogs and our weekly lawn mowing. My plan was to have it connected to the fence that has a hole where mama goes in and out into the neighbors yard. Is this a sound idea? I just don’t want little younglings running free around my large yard while they’re growing up and eventually old enough to be on their own.
Thanks in advance for your advice! <3
Jeff says
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for stopping by and for caring about your bunny family SO much! Stop and pat yourself on the back right now for this!
As long as mom is able to get in and out until they’re ready to leave the nest you should be ok. Once they do leave, mom generally finds someplace safe and away from the nest for them to grow up. I’ve never seen the young in my back yard after they’ve left the nest until they’ve grown up quite a bit. At that time, they’re aware of the dangers of dogs and predators because they’ve been attending “momma university” for some time.
I have my lawn mowed weekly and made sure the guys understood what’s going there. The youngsters genetic response to the loud mowers is almost always hunkering down more until it stops.
I wouldn’t build anything that might either confuse or scare mom OR could make a clear path for a predator to find them.
Let me know if you have any further questions and make sure to stop by again and let us know when they’ve left the nest. Doesn’t sound like it should be too long from now either.
Anita says
Hi, we have three baby kits in our yard we found when mowing on 9/3. They have been fine and growing, but this morning when checked on them one was dead, do I remove it, and how do I protect the remaining two before ready to leave nest so mom can still come to them?
Anita says
Hi, for my post above, date is wrong we have had the babies in yard for three weeks now. Thank you.
Jeff says
Hi Anita,
The family is lucky to have YOU looking after them!
You should remove the dead bunny and leave the nest be. Three weeks is kind of a rule of thumb for them to leave the nest so I wouldn’t take any further action.
Besides your mowing, if the nest looks like it’s been disturbed you may need to contact your local wildlife rehab place for your next steps.
Otherwise, letting nature take its course is your best course of action.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Sarah says
Hello! Happy to report that I kept the babies safe during their entire time in the nest. I changed the dogs schedule so mama could feed the babies at dusk and dawn. I was able to watch her from my bathroom window. Then eventually they all started hopping around and have left the nest! I’m so happy to have been a part of their little lives. Thanks for your blog and info to help keep them safe!
Anita says
Hi Jeff, I did remove the dead baby yesterday, and kept checking out them throughout night but never saw the mom come to nest, but she must have and directed them elsewhere since they are now gone, we figured it was time too. They are so cute!!
Jeff says
Hi Sarah,
This makes me very happy as I’m sure it did you! I’m happy I could help in any way.
You’ve done a great thing for that family and should treat yourself to some reward TODAY!
Let me know if I can ever help you again with your back yard beings.
Jeff says
Hi Anita,
Can’t believe I got TWO successful bunny nest responses in the same day! Awesome!
Wait until they get a little bigger and start following her back into your yard on a regular basis. You haven’t even scraped the surface of cute yet-LOL!
Give yourself a pat on the back and a treat for helping momma navigate these waters!
I’m here to help if you need anything else.
nancy says
Hi Jeff,
Our yard year after year, gets selected to have a bunny nest. It is sloped with a privacy fence and I have 2 dogs. As soon as we notice a nest or babies, we start taking the dogs out front or on a leash. I live in Florida and we have hawks in the area. Is the shrubs that we can plant in the back yard to help make safe places for the babies. (since we are lucky enough to be selected year after year). Or is there something I can place in the trees? I have read CD’s or reflective tape. How well do these work? and do they harm other birds? I want to give the baby bunnies the best chance. They are currently hiding in the bottom of my lemon grass and the next is at the bottom of another lemon grass plant. I know not to touch the nest or the babies and we see mama most nights.
Jeff says
Hi Nancy,
Hello and welcome to the BirdOculars community!
What you’re doing with your dogs and your plantings should be enough. Any of the other methods seem to deter or bother other animals. At some point you just have to trust momma knows best.
Nature must be allowed to take its course. The main thing I always stress is for homeowners to take steps to reduce or eliminate a threat they’ve created.
Mandi says
Hi Jeff!
Never been an avid birder or anything prior to a Carolina Wren couple moving into our yard. So interesting to see them sleep in timeout in the corner of my patio! Anyways, that got me into the rest of the wildlife zoo that seems to be my suburban backyard lol! For the second year in a row, I literally watched a mama bunny do this within a foot or 2 of me. Her nest is covered, but we have been afraid to touch it! Is there anything we could build to help cover or protect them from the owls and crows? I’m also worried about the nest flooding. I sure hope she would come get them if it does, right?
Jeff says
Hi Mandi,
Thank you for stopping by and joining in the discussion!
Mama bunny knows what she is doing. Even though there are threats from above, she makes sure to visit the nest infrequently so as not to advertise her family. You mentioned she’s done this before last year so she must feel safe there. I wouldn’t worry about the nest flooding either.
The best advice I can give is to let it be. If you notice predators taking interest you may be able to put a cover that allows her to come and go but doesn’t allow aerial predators to see what’s going on.
For the most part, the job mom does making and camouflaging her nest is quite remarkable and adequate.They’ll only be there two to three weeks in any case.
Kiran says
Need Advice on Found Baby Bunnies in Garden Pot
About a week to 10 days ago, while clearing old pots in my garden and removing dried leaves, I stumbled upon something unexpected—a nest hidden beneath what seemed like just a pile of feathery stuff on the soil. At first glance, after removing the top layer, I discovered tiny creatures nestled inside. Initially startled, I soon realized they were baby bunnies.This is an entirely new situation for me, and I was unsure how to proceed. Wanting to do the right thing, I moved the pot from its original location under the deck to the side yard outside the gate, thinking it might be safer or more accessible for the mother bunny, who frequents our yard. The following day, I noticed signs in another pot that suggested the mother had been searching for her babies—mud was dug up, likely during her search. This realization made me feel terrible, understanding she was looking for her babies.Reacting to this, I promptly returned the pot to its original spot in the backyard. At that time, the baby bunnies were still showing some movement. To keep them warm, I had placed some dried grass in the pot when I first moved it. After leaving the pot back in its original place for a few more days, I checked on the bunnies today, and to my distress, they weren’t moving at all. I didn’t handle them directly but attempted to gently check for any signs of life using a stick, and there was no movement whatsoever.I’m at a loss and deeply concerned. Could the baby bunnies still be alive, or have I inadvertently caused them harm? I haven’t had any experience with this and am seeking advice on how to best ensure the well-being of these unexpected garden visitors. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated
Jeff says
Hi Kiran,
Thank you for your concern for your bunny family.
I hate to say it but the best thing you could have done was leave them where the mother had put them. I know it’s hard to hear and I don’t want you to feel bad about trying to protect them either.
Hopefully, the mother WILL pick up where she left off and take care of them. But I don’t know the mind of the mother rabbit. I’m really hoping she’ll just pick up where she left off.
In any case, right now you just need to leave them be! Baby bunnies purposely do NOT move that much in the nest until they’re almost ready to go.
Maybe somebody else from the community can chime in with their knowledge and experience with this?
Jeff says
Something else: if it looks like momma is not coming back maybe you could call your local wildlife rehab location and see if they can help.
Brandi says
Hi Jeff,
First I think it’s awesome that you’re still fielding questions on this blog so many years later (and always around this seaon, am I right!) Well, I wish I’d found this page earlier so I’d have known what to do. Yesterday my dog found a nest of bunnies in our yard. She had picked one up and it started alarming, and I know the sound so I ran over and scooped up the baby. It was wet, but otherwise unharmed. I kept it warm while we looked for the nest and we found it! I was able to put the baby back and covered it gently with what mama left. I set up a baby camera inside to watch for when mama would return, and I had to shoo away cats during the day. This morning I went to check on them and a big tom cat was right beside the nest, I screamed at him to go away, but by the time I’d gone out he had pulled out all 4 babies and they were gone. I’m devastated.
My question is, since you mentioned bunnies might re-use the den, if we find another and put a laundry basket over it, how does mama rabbit get in? Through the handle holes? Would she not be totally wary of this weird plastic thing that just appears right on top of her den? I’m so angry at that cat, he and I have a history because he also bit a hole through my hand one day when I was petting him. And this nest spot is right outside my 10yr old house-rabbit’s bedroom, so it was nice little wild company for her.
Nature is brutal sometimes. Wishing you a happy spring.
Jeff says
Hi Brandi,
I’m happy to field questions no matter what year it is. I’m sorry you had to watch this unfold! Wish there were a way to keep the cat out of your yard. We’re blessed because we have a 6 foot wooden privacy fence surrounding our back yard. Any cat visitors braving the enclosure soon learn that’s NOT where they should be. I don’t hurt them in any way. I just make sure they remember the experience-LOL!
I wouldn’t place anything that might cause the momma to suspect anything or be able to come and go. Hopefully, she’s made a note of her choice this time and won’t repeat it.
When you say “gone” do you mean lifeless or missing? Sometimes babies move very little and can actually be saved by a wildlife rehab facility.
Brandi says
Thanks Jeff. Unfortunately I mean they passed. And I had my toddler (aka my shadow) with me to go check. She keeps asking where they went.
Some resources say that you can cover the area with a laundry basket or bricks and plywood, I’m thinking about getting cat repellant but worried it might annoy bunnies too. We have a dog who uses the yard too so we have to be somewhat choosy. A gate would stop the dog but not a cat… We also have an indoor cat who will never be allowed outside off his leash for this exact reason. Sigh.
Jeff says
Sorry about that, Brandi!
I don’t have any experience with the laundry basket, bricks or plywood. I would definitely ask your local wildlife rehabilitator for suggestions.
And any repellent would have to be safe for birds and wildlife.
Gina says
A week ago our dog found a bunny nest in our yard. They didn’t have any fur and were tiny. We’ve been watching the nest and covering it during to day to protect it from predators, Uncovering them before dusk and after dawn so mama bunny can get to them. The babies were all doing great and started venturing out of the nest even though my their eyes aren’t open. This morning, I covered the nest too early, for fear of predators finding them outside the nest. When we went back out to check on them, the runt was outside the nest looking emaciated. It’s barely moving but is breathing. We’re trying to feed it kitten milk, but it’s not taking any. Is there anything else we can do? I feel terrible because I think I caused it to starve.
Jeff says
Hi Gina,
No way to tell for sure what caused this but I’d recommend contacting your local wildlife rehab facility. Here’s a link to the national association:
There’s a link in that document to find one locally.
Hope this helps.
Gina says
This helps very much. Thank you for your fast response Jeff!
Jeff says
So glad I could help, Gina.
Please let me know how this turns out, will you?
Katie says
Hi Jeff!
A mother rabbit had started digging a hole in our yard. It’s pretty exposed. There are several cats in our neighborhood and some mean crows. How can I help protect the nest? I don’t think I can commit to covering/uncovering it every day. Is a laundry basket with a hole cut for the mom sufficient? Is some sort of chicken wire enclosure better? She just started digging today so babies aren’t here yet. Is it better to wait until they arrive to protect the nest?
Thank you!
Jeff says
Hi Katie,
At this point, with the predators you’ve mentioned, I would consider filling her hole back in before she puts or even thinks about putting them there.
I’d also keep an eye out in your yard for other places she may choose.
I honestly don’t believe either a laundry basket would keep a cat out and not the mom too. And chicken wire just doesn’t sound like a good choice either.
Are there others in the BirdOculars universe who could make other suggestions to Katie?
Jedi Princess says
Due to heavy rain we let our backyard grass get about 6” to 8” long. I mowed the other day and found a bunny burrow. Well the rain started again, so I placed a plastic box with the end cut out of it for the Mama bunny to have access to her kits. My husband was worried that Mama bunny would not recognize the location of her babies and abandon them. The rain stopped and he insisted that I uncover them and I did. Around 9:30pm I caught Mama bunny coming back to her uncovered burrow on video with my phone. Well there’s rain once again in the forecast later in the night around 2:30am is what the radar says. So the plan is to cover them once again and get up before dawn to uncover them, unless it’s still raining.
My question, is my husband correct that the Mama bunny will abandon her kits just because they are covered?
Jeff says
Hi Jedi Princess,
I’m not an expert but I know that mama bunny does not like to feel threatened. To tell you the truth, I have never covered a bunny nest. She knows exactly what she’s doing. As long as she keeps coming back you’re ok. But I would opt for NOT covering it if at all possible.
Having said that, I don’t believe mama bunnies are quick to abandon their nests. Also, rain is not something that bothers bunny nests unless it’s a flood or typhoon.
Hope this helps. Let me know if I can be of any more help and let us know how this goes, will you?
Karen Pendergast says
Hi Jeff,
I have a bunny nest in my backyard. I can see 2 in there moving and unfortunately one dead on my lawn.
I put a laundry basket over them with room for momma to get in. What else can I do. I am an avid animal lover and finding the one like I did made me sick and cry. I know I’m such a girl. I also put a tarp over part of it. Please help.
Jeff says
Hi Karen,
I completely understand your reaction to your recent loss!
I have no experience with laundry baskets but I would recommend you contact your local animal rehabilitator and see what suggestions they have.
Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
Stacey M says
We found a rabbit nest last year, actually my German Shepherd did. Luckily, he’s not a typical Shepherd. When he picked one up and it squeeked, he put it back down and was horrified. For a week, we got to enjoy seeing mama come and feed them, and my dog left them alone. This year we found another, but further away from the house. Again, my dog didn’t bother them, and I set up a trail camera to watch mama. We have been loving it for the past few days, until horror occurred. My trail camera caught the coyotes also finding the nest, so i saw the devestation almost real time. I ran out, but was too late. They aren’t considerate like my dog. I’m devastated, I know it’s nature but still….. will mama come back for another litter, or are our bunny watching days over? She seems to be hanging out still. I took down the camera when it happened because my heart couldn’t take watching her look for them. The coyotes marked the territory by urinating and rolling as raided the nest, I’m sure she can smell that. I told my husband I wanted to build a fence if we find more using a tomato cage and chicken wire, we just have too many coyotes. Is that something that would cause a problem? Last year I covered the nest with a laundry basket to make sure my dog left it alone, and she came back consistently, but that was right next to the house. A coyote could easily get past that. I watched the video (painful) and it seems like it was almost an accident they found it.
Jeff says
Hi Stacey,
So sorry to hear of this! I know I couldn’t bear to watch that and I don’t blame you for taking it down.
I’m afraid you just need to let mama bunny learn from her mistake and the coyote marking that was done. I wouldn’t fool around with fences or anything like that. If you have that many coyotes it’s not the place mama needs to be building her nest. I’m sorry because I know how it feels to have to just leave that be.
And don’t kid yourself: what appeared to be an accidental discovery was actually the coyotes following their extremely keen sense of smell.
I would recommend contacting your local humane or wildlife rehab agency and asking if there’s anything you can try to keep the coyotes away from your property. I would think there was a animal scent that THEY would avoid but I don’t know what it is. If for nothing else than the safety of your dog and other wildlife. They are aggressive hunters which is one of the reasons they’ve spread like they have.
You didn’t say. Where are you? I’m in TN and coyotes have already started to become a major nuisance.
Stacey M says
Thank you, Jeff.
I’m in McHenry county, Illinois, one of the furthest suburbs of Chicago (3 counties away) and still extremely rural. Mama doesn’t have a lot of options, but needs to not pick the back edge of our one acre yard. If she had come closer to the house like last year, it likely wouldn’t have been found. In the 20 years I’ve lived here, I’ve always had large dogs, and all of them have had a coyote encounter where the coyote has lost. Now the coyotes tend to avoid our yard, and skirt the lot line instead. Even in a snowy winter, it’s rare to find tracks going across our yard, but go around it instead. She put her nest on a well traveled path, a miracle the kits survived as long as they did, they were close to leaving the nest!. I’m very familiar with coyote behavior, not as much with bunnies lol. Hopefully she will try again, this time closer to us!
Jeff says
Hi Stacey,
I’m pretty sure the coyotes avoid your yard because they smell your dogs’ markings and I wouldn’t blame them either-LOL!
Correct me if I’m wrong but, unlike wolves, coyotes are solitary hunters which means they’ve got to pick their meals carefully.
I wish there were some way to guide her to the side of your house but I don’t know of any way to do this.
The thing that I find so funny about the coincidence of your comment is that every morning my wife and I (live in a development and no acreage) see a mama bunny out eating clover down the street in our neighbor’s yard. As you know, animals have an incredible sense as to intentions and this bunny just knows we mean her no harm.
Wishing you the best with your bunnies and let me know if I can be of any more help.
Stacey M says
Jeff, many thanks for the exchange and the advice. I’ll be sure to share if I get to enjoy more bunny adventures. And to your point, the bunnies and squirrels are not afraid of my German Shepherd. They seem to know instinctively that he is not interested in hurting them. It’s fun
Bill Emmrich says
Hi Jeff. A small bunny is in my fenced in backyard, I didn’t think they could get into my yard, but they seemed to have found a way. My problem is I have a golden retriever who will go into hunt mode if he sees it. For now it ran under my shed. I’m guessing there are more under there. I’m not really sure what to do? 3 years ago my dog caught a bunny in our yard and it was sad. So I’m trying to avoid it this time. How can I “chase them” out of my yard? I obviously think they are adorable and I want to keep them safe. But unfortunately my backyard will not be a safe place due to my dog being a security guard. So somehow I want to relocate them or just kindly ask them to leave soon lol. I’m worried if I just “let them be”, my dog might get one. Any advice?
Jeff says
Hi Bill,
Thank you for caring for your backyard family as you do! Not all humans are so concerned and you deserve a pat on the back…I’ll wait…
As for moving forward, I would contact your local humane or wildlife rehab agency to ask them if they can help. I’m sorry but I know of no humane way to tell them to leave. If it weren’t for the danger your dog imposes they WOULD leave on their own.
I’m sorry I can’t provide more help or comfort to you but I would make that call ASAP. Especially since they appear to think they’re safe where they are under the shed.
Please let us know how this goes, will you?
Jeff says
Hi Stacey,
Don’t you find it funny how quick most humans are to write off animals as some entity low on the intelligence scale? How many humans are born knowing how to build a nest, right? LOL!
Keep us posted.
Thanks again for being an incredible human!
Robin says
Our grandkids found a bunny nest in our (fenced-in) backyard this spring. They checked on it daily and put one of our lawn chairs over it to shield it. We would watch the nest at dusk and watch the mother come and care for the babies. As they got older the babies would come out of the hole at dusk and run around with her. They’d be tucked back into the hole by morning. It was very enchanting to watch. A few days later they were all gone from the nest.
They live under our deck and have outwitted our small dog for years. We have a bichon and he is not a rabbit predator but may be keeping their predators at bay as he polices the yard daily.
We’ve seen the babies out in the yard in the early morning. My grandkids ask about them and leave them treats. So far we have co-existed well as long as they don’t burrow into my gardens.
I found your site when I was searching for information on how big a rabbit warren is and how to re-route their main entrance. – so we can expand our garden. They will likely be outwitting me next. ?
Jeff says
Hi Robin,
Thanks for telling us what’s going on in your neck of the woods!
I think you’re right: having your dog almost certainly keeps other predators away.
I’m sure there’s an animal urine product to keep them from burrowing into anything but it may also discourage further nesting.
It sounds to me that you’ve got a great arrangement there-LOL! Just remember, like squirrels, humans can’t make a contract with them.
Hope I’ve been able to help. Glad you were able to find the site.
Debbie says
Hi ?
I and my dog always sit on my front porch early in the AM before it gets too hot . Yesterday my dog was walking around sniffing the ground. I thought he was looking for a spot to do his job but then he stopped at a spot and kept putting his nose in it. All of a sudden his whole head looked like it went in a hole and I saw him pull out a bunny?, which he proceeded to eat. I quickly got up and put his leash on him and took him indoors and investigated. I saw pulled grass and hair around an opening and when I checked further saw 2 bunnies so I covered them up with their nesting and made a secure barrier around the nest to keep dog away. I had to divert the dog from area when taking him out and then put on the vibrating dog collar to activate when he gets too close. So far so good.
Jeff says
Hi Debbie,
I know this is one of the toughest things to see and hardest to avoid. Mainly because the bunnies are so secretive and stealthy in their construction of the nest and feeding of the babies. Most people didn’t even know they had a nest until the parents and kids come back to feed in their yard.
Good on you for taking these protective measures!
Do let us know how this progresses, will you?
Angela says
This morning we had a rabbit start digging in the back lawn. After she had left I went to check it out and other then grass it was empty. Seemed to be a very odd place for her to put a nest as it is out in the open. So we filled it back in. Now wondering if that was the correct thing for us to do; will the mom have enough time to build another before she gives birth?
Jeff says
Hi Angela,
Your first impulse was correct: you should have just left it. Momma bunnies make nests just about anywhere. They count on their sly morning and evening visits to cover for them.
You might consider putting the hole back to how it was and she MAY pick up where she left off. If not, she’s already started a new one.
Make sure to check around your yard to make see if she’s picked another spot in your yard too.
Please let me know how this goes, will you?
April says
We’ve had a bunny family visiting our backyard for some time, and just two days ago, we found a nest right by our backyard door with baby bunnies in it. We tried the tic-tac-toe method two nights ago, and yesterday morning, the twigs were moved, so we think the mom came.
We put the twigs on the nest again but now they haven’t been moved for more than 24 hours. We see baby bunnies in the nest. Why didn’t the mother come to feed them? We called the animal rescue place near us, and they said the bunnies are in their natural habitat and they won’t interfere, and we should just leave them. But they are literally right next to our door. How can we just leave them and cross our fingers, hoping they survive?
We are keeping our kids from playing in the backyard because we are worried the mom won’t come if she sees us. There is a stray cat that visits from time to time. Any advice? Thank you so much.
Jeff says
Hi April,
What the rescue people told you is spot on. The best thing for them right now is nothing but patience. If you notice mom continues not to return you may want to call them again an tell them that.
Keep in mind that rescuers get calls all the time from people who have literally put an animal’s life in danger by removing it from a nest or their yard. But I think they’d want to at least know if it continues.
As for your kids, they can play in the yard as long as they’re not there at dawn or dusk. That’s the only time mom will visit this early especially.
Let us know how this progresses, will you? I’m confident you’ll see that mom returns very soon.
Valerie says
I have a very full bunch of bunnies in my yard. They have a deep hole up by my house.
I’ve done a wellness check by lifting a bit of the padding and they are healthy and happy. My security camera hasn’t caught momma coming and going because it must be too dark when she visits but I know she’s coming because it’s been a couple weeks and the babies are thriving.
Is it okay that I put water, strawberries and lettuce out for momma? What about a sideways box and a towel? I know nature should do its course and this might sound crazy but I want all those cute little rabbits to stay. I had a rabbit pet when I was a little girl, it’s so hard to leave them be, I want to protect them and snuggle them (haha).
Jsut thought I would share, because there’s a handful and they’re ADORABLE.
Jeff says
Hi Valerie,
So glad to hear your bunnies are doing so well. And you’re right: if they are doing that well mom is definitely taking care of them.
I know it’s hard to hear but…
You need to feel blessed that you have them around but momma will decide when and where they go. If you want to put any food out for mom just know that you may be attracting other animals you don’t want. And could harm or kill them.
I had a bunny growing up as well but these are wild animals and need to be left to their own agendas.
Melissa says
Hi, I have a nest in the middle of my front lawn. I put in front of it (not around it so mom can get to them) to protect them from being stepped on from my ups or usps or any others who wander up to my front door. We always use the side garage door to come in so we are good there.
My question is will mom still come to feed if the fence is there?
Melissa says
Meant to say I put a little fence infront of it.
Jeff says
Hi Melissa,
As long as the mom can get in and out of it easily, you’re good to go.
It’s a great idea to mark it like that in a heavily trafficked area like your front yard.
Let us know when they get out and hopefully come back to your yard. Maybe not the front yard, though-LOL!
Irma Peña says
Hi Jeff,
I was unaware of having a rabbit nest in my yard until my husband found two bunnies. I found a third t what didn’t make it. I found two more that were alive and thanks to your article, I will cordón off the area and keep my dogs away. It was a tragedy for me as I also believe all creatures are important in this world.
Next time I will know better.
Thanks again for writing this article.
With much appreciation,
Jeff says
Hi Irma,
I’m sorry for the loss of life you did experience but your comment has made my day otherwise! Thank you!
So glad every time I hear another human who realizes ALL life is important!
Enjoy the bunnies that made it when they start coming around regularly. Let us know when you start seeing this, will you?
Sosi says
Hi, I live in Massachusetts and there are lots of rabbits around. They have made nests in my yard in the past and in my raised garden bed. But, a few days ago, I was surprised to see a big hole dug out of a long shallow plastic planter on my back porch which is about 4 feet above ground! I knew it was a bunny because I caught her in the act as she jumped off the porch. Then this morning, I discovered she had filled it with dried grass, so I know (most likely) babies will be next. I just wonder how the baby bunnies are supposed to explore the yard when they’re ready (and be able to go back and forth from the nest) if they are 5 steps and 4 feet off the ground? Should I put a ramp on my. stairs for them or do anything else to make things “easier” for mom and her babies? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me!
Jeff says
Hi Sosi,
You’ve really got me on this one! I wasn’t aware that a momma bunny would build anything FOUR FEET above ground! WOW! As far as a ramp is concerned, how does momma get up there? The babies certainly don’t need their first steps to be off a cliff-LOL! Keeping in mind baby bunnies probably won’t be going back much after they leave.
Let’s see if we can figure this out.
Sosi says
Thanks for getting back to me, Jeff! Well, I peeked in the nest today, and didn’t see any babies yet. I assume mama goes up and down the stairs but when I caught her in the act of digging in my planter last week (and didn’t realize right away that it was for a nest), I scared her and she just jumped off the porch! I have some calls in to wildlife rehabilitators so I hope someone responds (although I may be getting concerned for nothing since there aren’t even any babies in the nest, so far)! Sosi
Jeff says
Hi Sosi,
So glad to hear you’ve consulted rehab people but I will say you may be right about getting concerned over nothing. She undoubtedly WILL put babies in there. I don’t believe rabbits construct dummy nests for predators. I mainly would like to hear if a raised bed will be safe for a young rabbit to climb out of. I still think momma is much smarter than humans give them credit for. But consulting somebody who knows this stuff is a great backup plan.
Let me know what they have to say, will you?
Sosi says
Okay, so there are no baby bunnies in the nest! 🙁 It’s already been a week since “Petra” made the nest. I don’t understand why she would go through the trouble of digging a hole and filling it up with dried grass in a planter on my porch (that must have been a lot of work going up and down those stairs!) and not have her babies there. There is such a thing as pseudopregnancy in rabbits and apparently it’s not uncommon, so it could be that. There is no rabbit fur as far as I can see in the nest to suggest she was about to give birth. I suppose she could have had her babies elsewhere (again, I don’t know why…). I know that some animal has been coming to the nest over the past week since the strings I put on top have been moved at least a few times. Anyway, I’m stumped and disappointed! Thanks for sticking with me during this saga, Jeff!
Jeff says
Hi Sosi,
I’m pretty sure by now she’s deciding making a nest at the top of a skyscraper might not have been the best choice and has probably had her babies elsewhere. Do you have any knowledge of bunnies building false nests? I don’t.
Does the nest hole disturbance look subtle enough to be the mom or could it be a predator? If it’s the latter, we can BOTH be relieved she decided not to have her nest there.
Jan says
Is it ok to encircle a bunny nest with garden fencing that the mother can get through, but my dog cannot? I don’t want to scare the mother away by putting up something she hasn’t seen before.
Jeff says
Hi Jan,
I hope somebody else who has done this can weigh in because I’ve never done it and don’t know firsthand if it’s a good idea.
I seem to remember others have done this successfully but can’t swear by it. Your thinking is correct, though. The less scary it looks the better. Having said that, I don’t think the moms are put off by something around their nest as long as they can still find it AND come and go freely.
Jan says
I decided to take down the garden fencing just in case it deterred mom from returning to the nest, and I don’t know if that’s the reason, but she came back last night and tended to her babies! Happy ending!!
Jeff says
That’s great, Jan, that it paid off for you! Do make sure to monitor your dog to keep them safe, will you?
When you get some pics, I’d love to see them. I can give you a Google Drive link to upload them if you do.
Melissa says
We discovered a bunny nest in our fenced backyard a couple weeks ago. I did some quick online research and learned they would typically be there for 2-3 weeks, mom would come to feed twice a day. We have two dogs (actually, one nosing around the nest is how we found it), and we’ve kept them out of the backyard. My husband checked the nest earlier this evening and it was empty.
How do we know if they were just out and about and will return later, or if they’ve moved on and it’s okay to let the dogs out there again?
Jeff says
Hi Melissa,
You didn’t mention how long YOUR bunnies had been there. I’m thinking they’re out of the nest but the best time to check would be mid-day. That’s when they would be resting if they were still returning. Only mom usually comes and goes at dusk and dawn.
I would hold off letting the dogs back there until you can confirm they are definitely gone.
Hope this helps. Let me know what you find, OK?
Mari Presta says
My boyfriend found a nest with three baby bunnies. The problem is it is right between the sidewalk and a very, very busy road in and city area. What can we do to protect the babies once they start coming Out of the nest and running around and being so close to this very busy road I’m worried about them getting hit right away.
Jeff says
Hi Mari,
Thank you for stopping by!
I would contact your local wildlife rehab office (Google) and ask them what you should do. Not only will they have WAY more experience with this than me but they’ll also know the area.
Do let us know what you decide with their help.