It Doesn't Have To Be A Struggle If you ask a person who's been feeding birds for a while about getting them to hand feed, you'll either get a bewildered look or one of "you poor person." That's because if they've read anything about hand feeding birds they've been told how long it will take and how patient you have to be. I've been experimenting with hand feeding for a few … [Read more...] about Hand Feeding Birds Faster
hand feeding birds
First Titmouse Hand Feeder Of The Season
For the last couple of weeks when I put food out in the afternoon, I've been taking down the feeders and just standing near the feeder station. I started out about six feet away and would gradually and slowly move closer to the station. My goal: to see how close I could get before the birds would stop landing on the feeder station arms and then feeding. I found I was able to … [Read more...] about First Titmouse Hand Feeder Of The Season
A Fun Backyard Bird Hand Feeding Experiment
Quick Bird Hand Feeding Test This is something you can do early in the morning one weekend to see if hand feeding birds will work in your backyard. You need to have either chickadees or titmice for the best chance of success. Some people also have success with downy woodpeckers. Here's the basic plot. Take Down Your Feeders For this to work, you have to make sure … [Read more...] about A Fun Backyard Bird Hand Feeding Experiment
Rest In Peace Little One
I wish that I were writing this under happier circumstances. I wrote previously about my little titmouse patient where I told you how he seemed to have bonded with me. He would come to the window and land in the pane so he could see if I were there. He had degraded from coming down for a treat and flying away to coming down and hanging around on my patio which … [Read more...] about Rest In Peace Little One
My Little Titmouse Patient
The House Wrens Have Returned
House Wrens Return! Sort of... As I had posted last week, it seemed like my house wrens had disappeared. They had built a nest, incubated eggs, fledged young and even rebuilt a nest for a second brood. Then, they were nowhere to be seen or heard. If you've ever had house wrens during mating season in your backyard then you know it's impossible to miss … [Read more...] about The House Wrens Have Returned
I’ve Created A Monster!
I was absolutely thrilled when I finally got some titmice to feed from my hand. The best part about it is that it was completely unexpected. They are supposed to be way too busy with mating and child rearing to have time for such "foolishness" as buddying up to a human because he brings your favorite food. I just sensed an opportunity and seized it. Now, it seems, I may … [Read more...] about I’ve Created A Monster!
Titmice Coming To My Back Door
As I wrote previously about my First Real Success In Hand Feeding Birds, I had taken my feeders down during the day and was experimenting with getting some birds to come to me just before I put them up again in the afternoon. I mentioned that, unlike my last attempt, the titmice were braving it and the chickadees seemed to have no interest. This week, I've had breakthrough … [Read more...] about Titmice Coming To My Back Door